Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Today whole day don't get to rest at all... Damn headache in school... Haiz... Just now tuition the lesson damn the memeningkan... LOL... Kelab dan Persatuan... Hardest chapter in Form 5 Accounts subject... Fuhh..... Now waiting for him to finish work... 30 minutes countdown...

Yesterday night both of us acting damn stupid at KFC... Try the WiFi there but cant connect... 2 fat-ass sitting there for half an hour figuring out what happened to the laptop... End up gotta call his friend for help... While doing, sitting there vaining... =D

I Miss Him!!! 19 minutes more to countdown... Haiz... Very headache this few days... Don't know why... Trial is just next week but still did not finish syllables... Die la...

Today in school this Tweety Bird keep urging me do this do that... Everything oso do do do... Worst of all is she can't stop mumbling and repeating the same sentence over and over AGAIN!!! I'm so going to explode soon...

13 minutes more... I'm getting more and more impatient... He'll be having meeting tomorrow again... Every single Wednesday... T.T I guess I'm being really selfish... I don't want him to have meeting at night... Haiz... Gonna get a rest and wait for him now...

~signing off~

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