Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Night market...

Went night market alone just now... So lonely... And so surprised to saw his bike downstairs... Called him to ask lo... Mana tau kena scolded pulak... Aikzz... His temper rising nowadays... Tomorrow gotta wake up early to go market with mummy and him... LOL... Suddenly mummy date us go market...

This Sunday gonna go QB with Elaine and Amy... Go skating... They gonna "chia" me... I've got income for this month... Official tables in Esplanade... Song Boon Cup... But used it to pay for tuition fee for next month... So no need to struggle to find money... Trials were done... Left Moral paper after the holidays... Pray harder for better results... Wana apply scholarship... Don't know can get or not... LOL...

Now its raining... Just finish playing o2 mania... so nice recalling how the songs goes... Ahh... Memories~~~ Can't wait for the sea salt that I bought from my sis eh friend... I wana go fairer!!! If you've read my previous post I guess you would know why... =P

Btw... Anyone wana buy contact lense or sea salt???

Contact lense : RM45 a year, Geo lense, made in Korea...

Sea salt : RM 5 per packet, RM15 for 4 packets... got apple, lemon, lavender, milk, & rose flavour... * Its aromatic seasalt for bath...*

Contact me in either msn or sms if interested!!! xD

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