Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Had been few days since I'd been updating my blog... Its Friday again and its my lucky day... =D Every Friday night and Saturday night he'll be staying at my house... This week kind of not bad... His meeting on Wednesday night had been canceled for dis week... So, I'm quite happy other than about some arguement...

Does it sound stupid forbidding someone talking to their ex? Fine... Maybe its stupid... But I did do that... And now when i think back, I realized that's childish and immature... I think since he can trust me and let me do so, maybe I should try giving him a chance to prove himself are trust-able... I've learnt a new lesson at least... I hope wanting to know what they talk about is not too much... And I added his ex in my MSN again!!! Still a bit afraid though... =C Probably I'll get used to this after some time... Trust!!!

His birthday is just next Saturday!!! Should I give him a present or just give him a big hug and big big kiss??? LOL... Still broke though... Struggling really hard to pay for tuition fees now... He knew all that problem too as he's just facing the same problem as mine... Hehe... Perhaps gonna treat him a feast? Since it makes us both full and satisfied... xD

And1 3 on 3 this coming Sunday... At least there are some $$ source for me... Really Damn "dry" liao... How I wish I've got a money machine beside me... No worries!!! xD Stupid imigination of mine...

Its 3am now... I'm wishing time passes slower during weekends (if only it really happens)... Its a satisfactory being beside him... Even listening to his snores!!! (that's what he's doing now) =D Love is really great I guess... Haha... But still gotta concentrate harder for my SPM... Hopefully my forecast result will be quite good la... I felt like going for January intake... I've made my mind... Diploma in TARC, Degree in SeGi College... *hopefully I won't be changing my mind again...* But I think no more better options already la... LOL...

I can't wait for Sunday to earm $$$ and yet, I don't want Saturday pass so fast... LOL... Memang nothing can satisfy us human beings...

That's for today...
~signing off~

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