Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lao Kong's Birthday!!!

Today is his birthday... its 2.34am now... just gave him a big big hug and kiss... hehehe... now he's sleeping soundly snoring away again... =D Kinda fun today... Went to QB with him and his sister...Had fun at the children's arcade... He played the bear bear machine... He managed to get 3 bears from the machine man!!! Somemore 1st one is holding a birthday cake wan... So chun... LOL... Whole day run here and there... 1st: Tesco, 2nd: his mum's house, 3rd: QB, 4th: night market... Really love him loads...

Cute right??? xD

Had another sunburn again... xD This time is swimming eh si liao... Went swimming with Elaine and Amy before tuition yesterday... Took damn lotz of pictures... Hahahahha... When we vaining time got a guy keep looking and smile at us... Somemore he looked so "chi ko"... Eeee~~~ Tooked at least 30 something pictures... And then only I realized all my pictures accumulated till 600 something d... LOL... My 8gb memory oso can lagg... No wonder...

These are just a few of our shots... Damn lot more... xD

Had Maths paper today... Surprisingly I can do much better in subjective than objective... Objective I opened machine gun... Hahahhahahah... Piao piao piao piao~~~ What to do??? Didn't study... =P This coming Monday lagi teruk!!! Add-Maths!!! @.@ Straight die...

By the way, I've learnt a new meaning from an ordinary word... Its from the Star newspaper on Thursday... It says "pink elephant"!!! Min Sze I know if you read this you sure laugh wan... We both what it means other than the one I will be telling here... The meaning of pink elephant here means hallucinations...

P.S: Min Sze, its not HIM!!! xD

~signing off~


  1. wat is there to relate abt hallucination with pink elephant? =.="

  2. its da meaning la stupid!!! i read this from newspaper eh k???
