Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bad Luck Day - 13th on a Friday -

It wasn't quite a pleasant day today... =C Things did not started right and also did not ended right... I quarreled with Hideaki before dropping Him to work this morning and realized that I still have more than enough time to go to the bank... So, I went to the stupid Pulau Tikus Public Bank to get my things done... It was so hard to get my car parked! Parking is always an issue there! I had to drive round the building for at least 3 times looking for an empty car park... Thank God I saw that uncle leaving and it was just right in front of the bank... I got my things done and the time I was turning my car out from the car park, that idiotic Toyota blocked my lane... That was when I banged the Tong! Great! I'd gotten some scratches on my car bumper as a result from it!

When I reached college, I did not know that I was too early for QS tutorial and too late for Account lecture... Clever me~ I'd no choice but to just waited for 45 minutes for the QS tutorial... Found Wonder through texting... It was so miserable sitting in front of the study room like a wandering dog with nothing to do... All I can do was to scope guys... Ahh~ I saw Him! =P That was when I also realize that our Genting trip is still in the duration of Hungry Ghost Month! I surely do not want to meet any thrilling experience there... Not mentioning the roller-coaster and Solero Shot! You know which one I'm talking about ( something worse than that )... Today's tutorial's attendance wasn't that good... If I knew our grades will be only informed next Monday, I wouldn't have went! Wastage of my time and petrol...

For I don't know why... I wasn't feeling well today since morning until now ( midnight )... I had stomach cramp, bad headache, backache and lost of appetite! I was yawning for at least 20 times in tutorial class! Wondering what's making me feeling so tired... On my way back home, I guess I was really tired and was quite dreamy while DRIVING, and yes... Oh yes~ I banged again! This time it was onto the pavement just right in front of Union High School... You know... There's always something creepy about that particular spot... I think my luck was just very low today... Furthermore, it's 13th on a Friday! Had never been good! But luckily nothing happened to the car, but my backache and headache was worse than before...

I rested just right at the time I reached home... Got myself a good sleep until 7 something to 8! After bathe, I felt alot better... Refreshed! went out for dinner, or actually should I call it a supper instead since it was at 11 pm? Whatever~ I was superb damn full! The food was nice... Bali Hai~ Aww~ But the last piece of cake was bloating up my tummy... Making me felt like puking... I can hardly digest... T.T Now reached home and the first thing I did was sweeping the floor! Messy~ Then here I go... Blogging! That's all I got... will try to update my blog more often now... =D

~signing off~

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