Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Having financial crisis lately... The thoughts of examinations and asignments are really pulling me down... Haiz... What to do? Things happened not in the right time! I bet this might remain for quite a moment... =C Lately, I felt so depressed... Money probelms huh i guess... Part time job do ease my burden a little... My new black pup, Berry is really giving me hard time clearing up the mes he made at home... I think this dog is just lack of discipline... Work + Assignments + Examination + Money = BURDEN!!! Hidea doesn't make me feel any better anyway... I'd though he'll be... Well, sometimes maybe??? By the way, college life is actually quite okay if you're staying near... The distance is the problem... I felt so messed up now... Feelings often swings around.. Don't really know what myself is trying to do... Happiness and sadness at the same time... Mixed-up... As for me and him, I really don't know what to say... Things doesn't seem good... =C I need a break... To pull back the feelings we used to have... Depression sometimes kills! I'm not trying to say I'll be commiting suicide... But, that feeling is like ARGGHHH~~ Not good! I don't like it! At times, I hate him! I'd compare him to some other guys out there and felt that I could had found a better one! But... it's just not right... I'll admit that I fell for some other guys sometimes... But i knew they are not as faithful as he is... Still both things and human change! Who knows if one day when he success, he'll be looking out for some other girls as well... I'm not so confident with myself! T.T I still stalk at his ex after so long... Just couldn't get over it... Maybe someday... Someday when the truth will be unleash... I'll know the answer... It's just not the time now... Sooner or later... I'll know~


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