Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I seriously need an extreme make-over... If only I can be a lil bit thinner and a lil fairer, then TA-Da! I'm good! xD I'm still stalking her!!! Can't get over YET... It's because I still don't think I'm hotter than her... One day, Jasmine and I should really surprise these people and let them know... Currently, we're staying in low profile... Or should I say its only me? xD

To Jas : You always got the bees! I got the FLIES! So, to win the "people" I'm stalking, I must first win u... Pai sei lao po! Hahaha...

Btw, is there any method to get fairer FASTER? When I say fast, i mean real FAST! Don't tell me things like go bleach yourself... Trust me, I'll strangle you to death.... =P My colour and fats are the only ones I need to handle 1st!

Last nite, I watched the Kumar Drag thing and I was like =O... LOL! "I was buying some cosmetics when one ugly girl went to the counter and ask the counter girl, What colour suit my face ar?, The counter girl is like Any colour la. Making the counter girl miserable only. For me, I would say Your face ar? NAH! SIMEN!" That's part of the joke...

I hope I don't need simen on my face... LOL... Now no $ summore cannot pamper myself like how she did... Saddening nia... I should get over it... But, still not YET! Soon I will...

I dunno why, I LOVE comparing myself against his ex ka liao... But, she's the main one I'm comparing... My, I hope she won't see this... Else she'd knew I'm talking bout her... But I don't think she will la anyway... She's those type of popular people whom other people stalk eh... Not those type who stalk people, for example ME! =P I keep on saying she's bitchy, but that doesn't make me feel any better of course... Still... She's bitchy that's why she's popular and well-known! But, I still gotta admit that she's real hot! What to do? That's the FACT!

Okay, I think I should stop all these... Oh ya, Mummy bought us sisters a new cupboard and new bad! spent Rm2700 for all these... It's good but also a big headache for us! Was wondering how to fit the cupboard into my room... Now I have to make shiftings all over again and that will create big mess to be cleared up! NO GOOD!

Now, both my dawgs are fighting... Don't really know how to differenciate which is playing and fighting anyway... Shall let them be...

~signing off~

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