Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Monday, August 16, 2010


Everyday seems to be so tiring for me... Study, work, study, work! =( At least... Even some small little amount of money can help me much... Haiz... Today I did not drive to college... Rest for a day... Wonder fetched... Wakakaka... Thank you! I appreciated your help... =)

After class went KFC for Lunchfast ( Breakfast + Lunch )... Super damn hungry... But no appetite when the foods arrived... For some certain reasons... = And my sei boh seems to be very down too... She's so dreamy in class... Staring against the wall... Awww~ I felt sad for her too seeing her like that...

Came back home not even an hour, had to go for official tables again... The matches were bored... I did not care at all anyway... What I want was the salary... LOL... I managed the time quite well... Or else I bet they wouldn't be finishing on time... Credits to me! xD

My lips hurts... The skin somehow keep on getting dried up easily... Haiz... Nowadays I'd been having weird dreams... Its all about some people... Belonging to the same criteria of somekind that means something to me... Haha... Funny... It's the only enjoying moment... In my DREAMS! xD

Gotta go now... My Ah Bii and the others waiting for me to go crazy again... Chaos~

~signing off~

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