Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


It just wasn't my day today... Days are tough when you met something unpleasant continueously and it came one by one! Haiz... As for me today, just right Wonder dropped me at my parked car, Just right I gave my "SLK" (small little kenari) a glance, There's a surprise for me... Ta-Da! My car's back mirror had been crashed by someone... That big hole and pieces of glasses were really a BIG surprise! Who ever did it, I gave that particular person the best of my CURSE! F*** You Arsehole! FML! That feeling was unexplainable! Great! I thought I would be late for Sg. Ara... =C

Thank God, Wonder the "AK" could drop me at Sg. Ara... And eventually... On time! I did not expected him to... I'd show him my gratitude in whatever ways! Now he found me annoying... =P I was thinking of ways how was I supposed to get back home after that... I couldn't believed that he's willing to wait for me till I've done my work and drop me back home... To be frank, I'm surprised and... I don't know how to express that feeling... But, Wonder, I'd Love to say a BIG THANK YOU here! Thank you again and again! I was so afraid he might feel awkward there, luckily there's an interesting match to save him from boredom although it has been raining... =) In whatever ways... I'm really......... You know... =D Speechless... Not all feelings can be expressed by words...

By the way, The Expandables wasn't that good... I don't know what its trying to say... The story line wasn't complicated but, their language and the subtitles sucks... =P And, I guess my diet was a success... I'm trying so hard not to eat... But... Good things always have their sacrifices... Gastric pain! =C The pain was worse when you know it's added with Girl's pain... Monthly illness... LOL! Feeling better now... But still bad... Had been whole day... Still, that wouldn't make me to change my mind to get my supper! No!

Thinking of my car and my life gave me a real big headache... Haiz... Money was indeed the problem but of course, with other things on mind... =C I really need a good scream when I have the chance! To let all the feelings out... It's hard keeping them in my heart... Still waiting for that day... =C

Lastly, Thank you again Wonder! Thanks... =)

~signing off~

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