Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gurney Day!

Kinda nice weather today... Had fun as well... =) Let me start off with something good, after my H.E. lecture, Jasmine, Jia Min, Wonder-FUL, Steven and I went Gurney for a movie... Watched Tekken! The main character, Jin was so damn F***ing CUTE! Yeng! If only he's my guy~ If only... xD Well, I guess I was really very very talkative today since the way from college to Gurney and then back to college... The movie was quite nice... The characters were really alike the game... Haha... BUT, quite obscene la... I bet Wonder very steam watching the obscene part... Wakakkakaka... Before the movie, we went Wong Kok for lunch... Not bad, Wonder became the Tomboy and I get to eat my Donashi from my Laopo Jia Min!!! =P The times were quite enjoying... Jasmine was so happy that her Steven followed us along... MIRACLE! Hahaha...

On the way back to college time really Bo Lat... Every single time after a movie, I felt so tired! I guess I'm really going older after all... Still, having English class... Bo huat... As for my English class, my coursework marks was quite a disappointment... I couldn't believe I've got a B+!!! Down! I was like expecting for an A! My lecturer said it was because of my grammar test... Haiz... Oh ya, my Journal! Funny! I wrote something about Elvis Presley... I knew his chinese nickname when he was famous was "Mao Wang"... Having it forgotten what was the english name, which is The King of Rock and Roll, I wrote The King of CAT! My lecturer did say something bout it before giving us back our journals, not mentioning the name of the writer which is me, luckily... I thought that the name Elvis Presley was familiar... Then, she gave me a glance... I knew it at once! I was so embarassed! =P When I read my Journal, she gave me a comment, NO DIRECT TRANSLATION! Hahahahaha...

After college, I meet up with Pauline, Ashwin, Ah Kiam and Walter for Lok Lok at Che Chao Hang... Ate alot! Couldn't believe that we actually ate up to RM57! That was quite a big sum... Hmmm... Then, we played at the playground, those people who passed by surely thought that we're actually destroying it... Espeacially the see-saw! You know... Our weight matters! xD There's a little girl playing there as well... She's really daring... Keep on asking us to play with her... I pity her dad... =( He's a mute... I saw a loving heart in him... Aww~

After eating, back to Gurney AGAIN! Told ya it's Gurney-day... Hahaha... Ate ice-creams in McD and spent time joking and chatted happily... Good times passed extremely fast... Dropped Walter home and Get back home myself savely... You know... Chinese Ghost Month... Be extra careful!

Got my bath and settle down comfortably in front of the desktop... =D Hideaki will be home anytime... I shall end here... Chaos...

~signing off~

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