Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Lots of things happened in these several days... And it happened quite fast... Of course, there were unhappy stuffs and also some happy ones... Things were actually getting quite complicated... All I need is some time... It will heal the pain in me...

Well, since it had been quite a few days since the last post, I shall tell you some of the happenings... It was Ash's birthday on Saturday... We enjoyed hanging-out at Gurney... Happy time passed quite fat... *As usual* Ah Kiam, Ash, Pau and I spent most of our time chatting and shared about our tales... LOL! First, dinner at Sakae Sushi, got a Darlie as a gift... =P Next, was the beach... That time when we were busy talking, Jas and the others urged me to get back home to go online... Which I'm quite upset as I do not like being pushed around... Things were hard to be explained... I knew they were worried, but, I know what I had to do! I was quite stressed-up and very frustrated... All I wanted is to get back what I deserved to! My time! I need something to get my emotion and feelings soothened... I don't mean anything bad here but... You know... Like I said, I need to scream... I still need to... But, maybe I should be alone by that time it happens... =C

The next day was group studying with Wonder, Steven, Jas and Iron Man... Wonder first came to fetch me and helped me to get my "SLK" mirror taped for temporary... After that, we headed to Iron Man's house to get him fetched... Well... I guess we did not really study our Accounts... Instead, we were playing around with the "solution"... Mixture of beer, chocolate, papers, eraser dust, small pieces of broken protractor, the ink of my broken pen, and some other things... I was actually quite furious when Jas gave out the condition that I must totally forget Him and consider Wonder... Love is not a game! I hated to say that but, I was really upset! All I can do was just keep myself quiet... I don't wanna cry there... I don't want to! =C Of course I was really emo... I can't help it!

That night things actually got better... Me and Him settled it nicely and reached our agreements... Now I know, my own decision is the only important thing in whatever I do... Yes, I do listen to opinions... But not too much! I've got my own limitations and whatever I can bear it up to mind... I know what I'm doing and trust me... I do not want to hurt anyone... =1 Let things be natural... It will lead to the right path... I know... I'm sure of it...

Today, I've got to wake up superb damn early for official table in CLHS this morning... The match was supposed to start at 8, but it ended up starting at 9 as the refrees were late... As the match goes on, I found out that our newbie refres, who acted like they've been so experienced and clever enough to guide the matches, their skills were doubted by me! Or I shall say EVERYONE! The match went quite smoothly until the end of the 4th quarter when the game was about to end in 5 seconds time... The score opposite our officials were different from ours... I was fucking sure that it was their mistakes! If they doubted our ability, Don't ask me to do it! I guess I should had messed up the whole game... I hated people with no respect towards me... I may look small, but in me, I DON'T!

I had to admit that I was quite exhausted this afternoon... Fell asleep for a few minutes and I had to get myself refreshed again for official table in Sg. Ara... Finals... The last match was great... Heng Ee vs Chong You... Although both teams were quite supported by me, the audiences made me changed my mind... So I supported Heng Ee instead of being neutral... The attitude of the people who lived there and the way they speak towards the opponent were offendsive.. That kind of spirit should not be happening when it comes to sports... That shows totally no fighting spirit but only scarstisms and egoness... I guess that is why our sports tournaments in Penang haven't been improving but degraded their standard... I'm quite upset to say the fact... =(

By the way, thanks to Wonder for the transportation again... I appreciated it... Thanks... =)

As for me myself, I'm suffering from gastric right now I guess... Replaced hunger with pain... At least, it helps in my slimming down... =P As said, it wasn't easy to get something you want without sacrificing... That teaches me a new rule of life...

~signing off~

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