Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Still waiting~

It's now 12.19 am and I'm still waiting for that fat arse! Play ball play ball play till dunno what time... Kau Giak! Right now, my MUM is SUPER ANNOYING!!! She's always like that whenever she bought new mobile phone..."Von ar, help me do this... Von ar, why so hard to use eh? Von ar, why the function different from Motorola eh? Von ar, this ar that ar~" Kek si khi... I told her... She better don't buy phone then... LOL... Can save all the trouble from changing Sim card to setting all the stuffs including downloading ringtones for her! xD

On the other side, that fat Hidea! Still keberatan coming back! And guess what? QS quiz again tomorrow... Thank God I aled done memorizing Formulas! I can't believe that my mum could actually annoy me since just now when she came back from work till now... Still can't get over her new mobile! Fuhh~ If only she's not my mum, trust me... I'll strangle her IMMEDIATELY! =P Now she's complaining bout her ringtones... She's even planning to put the song I hated so much as her ringtone... NO!!~~~ T.T

College life's good until now... Other than some particular person that makes me don't feel really good... My Laopos surely knew who I'm referring to... I don't mean to isolate her on purpose... It's just that we can hardly cope with each other's topic... The worst thing is what Jia Min told me today is that one of my classmate suddenly came up to her and told us not to do so! Okay... Not to be mean, but I just seriously think that person seriously doesn't know how we felt as well... If only, she's viewing it from my point, then she'll understand! To Jas : If you read this post, Then you'll know what happened! LOL!

And I dunno since when I had another boyfriend named WONDER! LOL! After my H.E. class, I told my tutor that I saw her in Prangin Mall with her friend last week... Then, she ask me whom I went with... "Pi dengan boyfriend ar? Wonder ar???" I was like NO!!! There she goes, "Gurau aje... Hahaha..." Good Joke huh??? Wonder, If you read this make sure you don't kembang... Hahaha...

Last thing before I sign off, At Last! Co-cu DONE!!! I don't need to sunbathe myself under the stupid hot sun! only two days... Its enough to get me tanned, black, dark or whatever to do with something black! It would at least take me Months to get fairer back... Pity me... Just to get that 2 stupid credit hour...

At last my mum found her favourite songs and still choosing which one to be set as ringtone...

Now, 12.47am... Hidea's still not back yet... Patience climbing till the top of my head ready to jump off ade... I felt like just lock that damn door and just go to bed! You see~ Sometimes I really hate him! But those feelings subsides after a momment... Haiz... What to do? Perhaps one day I might just explode and give it an end... He better not make me do so... I guess i shall end here... still gotta reply that Wonder on Facebook ko... =S

~signing off~

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