Happenings that made my life with ups and downs. Sadness and Happiness of mine. It's where I express my feelings and it's the pure me. Take it or leave it!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hair DYED!!!

Hardly have time dressing up myself nowadays... At last I managed to get my hair dyed yesterday... It's lighter now... GOOD! Now I think I looked like Ah Lian, Ah Beng's girlfriend... Luckily, my mum paid for the bill! Weehee~ Or else, I'll be spending RM95 for my new blonde hair! LOL... Just done watching few movies I managed to find in my sister's room... Done the 3 of them... Its all either about Vampires or ghosts! Not forgetting its Hungry Ghost Month now.. So people, BEWARE! My advice : Don't go back too late... (Don't go clubbing for a month!) That don' kill... haha.. No beach swimming, Playing or joking around, and also do not simply shouting out vulgar words anywhere anytime!

P.S : These are for those who believes in supernatural stuffs like me! =D For those who do not share the same thinking as mine, do take it as an advise from me... No harm trying...

Today I felt so bad fooling Wonder in school... Me and Jia Min pakat-ed lying to him saying that my car was puntured in the middle of the "sua loh" on the way to college... Who knows he's for real... Thank god it's not really that far from college... LOL! Good thing : He's being kind hearted! In another way, he's a doink! Funny... =P But I did not fully lied about it! I really doubt that my tyre was or not puntured that time... Haha...

Aww... And I missed Jas! I wanted to show her my new hair colour so badly! Asking for her opinion! But, she's not feeling well... Hmmm~ Shall wait for tomorrow... Facebook is getting boring for me nowadays... Nothing much to do with it other than uploading my pictures there... Just too lazy to do it here... Felt quite troublesome... =C

Gotta go over to Sg. Ara to do official table for the under-16 matches awhile more... Bo huat... No money means got to work extra hard... Even RM1 means alot to me! But still I'm buying clothes again! I'm way too TEMPTED! At the same time I shouldn't be over worked as my final exam is coming! i still haven't find my mood to start studying! I'm so DEAD!

I've got too many things to be written here... But, my time and brain doesn't allow me to do so... =C Perhaps some other time... Gonna eat my Maggi Mee now... Haha... See~ really no money... xD Chaos~

~signing off~

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